Latin in the world

Why do Italians Watch Movies in Italian Only?

Why do Italians Watch Movies in Italian Only?

Dubbing movies in Italy is systematic. Why is that and are there potential implications for this? Author: Valeria Ferraretto for: Italics Magazine Photo: Jerry Wang. The first time I realized that Italians love watching movies in Italian only, I was abroad, in particular in Belgium. A friend of mine told me that some movie theaters…

How a Song About 44 Cats Captured the Hearts of Millions of Italians and Became a Classic

How a Song About 44 Cats Captured the Hearts of Millions of Italians and Became a Classic

1968 wasn’t exactly a stellar year in Italian domestic politics. Similar to other places in Europe, Italy experienced waves of protest, violent rioting, and massive strikes that would trigger the dark  Years of Lead soon after. Author: Zachary Vogt for: Italics Magazine Photo: Jerry Wang. From the Battle of Valle Giulia in March to protesters throwing rotten…

Latin in the World

Latin in the World

Disparagingly described by many as a dead language, Latin maintained a prominent and proud position in the contemporary world, resonating globally. Author: ROSA MARIA COLANZI for: Italics Magazine Photo: Limone sul Garda, Brescia, Italia. Photo by Luca Tosoni on Unsplash. for many months now, the most spoken word around the world — probably utterly by billions of people on…